Michael Hagaman: A Disreputable Quaker

Let’s try this again. Once again Amy Johnson Crow has issued her 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge. Once again I am going to try and participate. Last year didn’t go so well for me…I only made it a few weeks. So this year I’ve made my goal a little more realistic for me. Instead of one ancestor a week, I’ll try for one every 2 weeks or so. My goal is 25 ancestors for the year. Even with those lowered expectations, I barely got this one done in the 2+ weeks I’ve been working on it. But we’ll hope for the best. Up first, one Mr. Michael Hagaman, 4th great grandfather.

The first record we have of Michael Hagaman is on the 20th of October, 1820 when he is named in the minutes of the Providence Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, or as they are more commonly known, Quakers. Michael was requesting to be admitted to the meeting as a new member. At the next monthly meeting, on November 21, Michael was accepted as a member. Quite soon after, in the 24th of April, 1821 Providence Monthly Meeting minutes, Michael and Sarah Cope have announced their intention to marry, and are soon married on the 24th of May, 1821. The marriage so soon after his admittance to the group makes me suspect that Michael may have only joined the Quakers for the sole purpose of wedding Sarah. More evidence of his perhaps not so honest intentions shows up later on as well. Months later, in November, 1821, Michael and Sarah left the Providence Monthly Meeting in Fayette County, Pennsylvania for Westland Monthly Meeting in Washington County, Pennsylvania where Sarah’s grandparents, John Co(o)pe and Mary Dickinson, were early members. Half a year later, they rejoin the Providence Monthly Meeting. I’m not quite sure the reasons for the move away and back again. The counties are adjacent to each other, however, so even though they may have switched meetings, it’s very possible they may not have actually moved their home.

Fast forward four years; more evidence that Michael may not have been all that committed to the Quaker ideology is found. He is censured and removed from the Society of Friends due to bad behaviour. His rebuke reads thusly:

Michael Hagaman has declined the attendance of our meetings, has been intoxicated with spiritous liquors and is charged with disreputable conduct towards his neighbors wife therefore after endeavouring to extend the necessary care according to discipline and he not appearing qualified to condemn the same we exclude him from a right of membership, with our society until by application he may be reinstated.

Interestingly, Sarah (who was born into the Society of Friends, and had a long lineage therein) continued on as a member, as did the children. Not only that, but Michael and Sarah stayed married. I wonder what the Friends thought of the woman who was married to an lapsed member, who apparently never rejoined the fold.

Luckily, the Quakers are great record keepers, and so the baptisms of all of Michael and Sarah’s children are recorded. Their first child, Ruth, was born in 1822. Maria in 1824, Isaac C. (likely named after his grandfather Isaac Cope) in 1826, and Anna in 1828. Michael “Hagerman” (a common alternate spelling) is listed in the 1830 Federal Census living in Washington Townhip, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. There is one male 20-29 (himself), one male under 5 (Isaac), one female 20-29 (wife Sarah), two females 5-9 (Ruth and Maria), and one female under 5 (Anna) listed in the household. A likely brother “James Hagerman” (20-29) is listed next door. Michael’s younger children John, Joseph, and Sarah were born between 1830 and 1840. In the 1840 Federal Census, Michael is found in neighboring Jefferson Township, also in Fayette County. There is one male 40-49, one male 10-14, and one 5-9, one female 40-49, two 15-19, one 10-14, and one under 5. Enumerated nearby are in-laws Samuel, Israel, Jesse, and Amos Cope.

By 1850 Michael and Sarah have had their last children, Martha (late 1840), and the youngest, my 3rd great grandmother Rachel (1843). They had also moved west to Marlboro, Stark County, Ohio. In the 1850 Census, Michael Hagaman, a shoemaker, is listed with Sarah (50), John (19, Shoemaker), Joseph (17, Shoemaker), Sarah (13), Martha (11), and “Rachael” (6).

By 1860, Michael has moved even further west, to Amboy Township, Hillsdale County, Michigan. He is 60 years old and his occupation is now “farmer”. His wife Sarah (60), and daughter Rachel (16) are still in his household, as is a “Michael Reeder” (13), most likely the son of neighbor John Reeder. Various relations can be found nearby. Isaac Hagaman and family, Ellis Cope, and John and Riverius Covey (the Coveys being relations of Rachel’s future husband, Frederick Sanderson).

According to the transcription of his headstone on his Find A Grave memorial page, Michael died April 21, 1868. Though he was kicked out of the Quakers, a religion that kept strict rules on marrying outside the faith, and had also apparently done *something* with his neighbors wife in the 1820s, Sarah stayed with Michael for the rest of his life.

Lora C. Jenks: Civil War Veteran

Lora C. Jenks was born around 1820 in Oswego County, New York. Very likely his father was Nathan Jenks, and his mother is still unknown to me. I have no birth or baptism record for Lora. In fact the first record I have for him is his purchase of a tract of land in Ionia County, Michigan on March 1, 1850. A few months later he is found in Ronald Township, Ionia County, in the 1850 census. By this time Lora has already married Almira Nettleton, and fathered four children. Sarah, the oldest (and my direct ancestor), was born in 1841, then came Nathan (1843), Margaret (1846), and Alvira (1849). 10 years later, Lora had moved across the county line, but only about 10 miles north, to Bushnell Township, Montcalm County, Michigan. He has had another son, George, and is still a modest farmer. But all this time the United States had been becoming more and more divided, and the Civil War was about to tear the country apart.

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Lora C. Jenk’s muster roll

April 12, 1861: the first shots of the Civil Wars are fired at Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

November  02, 1861: Lora C. Jenks enlists as a Musician in the Michigan 13th Infantry Regiment.

April 07, 1862: The 13th Michigan takes part in the Battle of Shiloh, Tennessee.

April 30, 1862: Lora is promoted to “Full Sergeant”.

May 1862: The 13th Michigan fights in the Siege of Corinth, Mississippi.

October 01, 1862: Lora is promoted to “Full Principal Musician”.

December 1862-January 1863: The 13th Michigan fights in the Battle of Stones River, Tennessee.

From the regimental history:

The regiment was engaged at Stone River the 30th and 31st of December, 1862, and in January, 1863, where it distinguished itself by its desperate valor and was most warmly commended for the heroic work that checked the onward rush of the confederate forces. The brigade of which the Thirteenth formed a part was commanded by Colonel Charles G. Harker, and was detached from its division and sent to the extreme right of the Union line, where the enemy had crushed that wing, when it formed a line in the immediate front of the confederates and a desperate conflict commenced. The Union forces were steadily pressed back by the enemy, but the Thirteenth held its position until nearly surrounded, when it fell back a short distance and reformed, continually showing a bold front to the enemy. Colonel Shoemaker ordered a bayonet charge and the Thirteenth sprang forward with a yell, driving the enemy from the field in confusion and capturing a large number of prisoners. The regiment lost nearly one third of its strength in killed and wounded in the action on this part of the field. It recaptured two pieces of artillery of the Sixth Ohio Battery, which had been abandoned when the Union forces were driven back by the furious onslaught of the enemy.


September 1863: The 13th Michigan fights in the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia.

It proceeded almost at once to Chickamauga, where it was engaged the 19th and 20th of September, coming in contact with the enemy near Lee and Gordon’s Mills, and before the close of the battle, lost 107 killed, wounded and missing out of a total of 217, the number of officers and men the regiment carried into action. Such a record tells how the Thirteenth sustained its part in this historic engagement far more eloquently than words can describe.

January 1864: The 13th Michigan Regiment “veteranized” and 173 men, including Lora, re-enlisted.

September 03, 1864: Lora’s son, Henry Jenks, enlists in the 13th Michigan.

November-December 1864: The 13th Michigan joins in the Savannah Campaign, better known as Sherman’s March to the Sea.

March, 1865: The Regiment fights in the Battle of Bentonville, Georgia.

April 9, 1865: Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, officially ending the Civil War.

April 26, 1865: The 13th Michigan is with William Tecumsah Sherman when he accepts Joseph E. Johnson’s surrender at Bennett Place in the largest surrender of the war.

July 25, 1865: The 13th Michigan Regiment, including Lora C. Jenks, musters out at Louisville, Kentucky.

Destroying rail line on Sherman’s March to the Sea

Both Lora, and his son Henry, had survived the war that claimed so many lives. And looking at the 1870 census we see that the last of Lora’s children, Lincoln, was born in 1861. A baby boy, named after the President leading the country during  a great civil war, spent his first years growing up without a father. The father, who named his son after the great leader, believed in the cause enough to not only leave his baby boy, but to re-enlist after an already dangerous three years. In 1870 Lora has gone back to Bushnell, Montcalm County, and has beaten the metaphorical sword back into a plowshare. He is, however, much more well off. His property, worth $200 in 1850 and $400 in 1860, is worth a stunning $8,000 in 1870. Lora has done well for himself after the war. Not only that, but it seems like Lora became a citizen of some standing in the local community. In 1866 and 1868 he is named as one of Bushnell Townships “County Supervisors”. Then, in 1872 he is appointed to be the postmaster of Vickeryville in Montcalm County, Michigan. But Lora’s rise was cut short, and on the 17th of June, 1875, Lora died of “consumption” (tuberculosis). Interestingly, on his death record the occupation is listed as “Merchant”, even though 5 years earlier he is still listed as a farmer in the census. And unfortunately the death record does not give the name of his parents, but as a Nathan Jenks is the father of a few other Jenks kicking around Montcalm County around the same time, he is likely Lora’s father as well. It seems that Lora survived a terribly dangerous 4 year ordeal, only to be brought down by disease when he was finally becoming well off.

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Lora C. Jenks – Headstone